Shopping Centres and F.M.

The pressures on Shopping Centre staff can be somewhat different to the rest of the sector. Shopper perception is a high priority and this coupled with possible anti-social behaviour can be challenging. We can offer a system that can track indoors whilst having a handsfree operation so your staff are not perceived as being “on the phone”. This coupled with the accurate recording of incidents can offer an effective tool to defend against slips trips and falls claims. We can also offer accurate evidence that may have at one time been anecdotal, giving you the tools to consider possible costs for additional tenants etc.

Combined Patrol and Incident Reporting

A combined Patrol and incident reporting tool can give the competitive edge and enhance your service offering. With the ability to ensure patrols are completed and reported quickly, you can ensure that your agreed patrols are completed, and you are able to prove it with both GPS and token options. Also, you would be able to provide your clients with instant reports of checks and incidents as they occur. You could report on Fire extinguisher checks, first aid kit checks, legionella tap runs, the list goes on. You can also report incidents as they happen such as leaks, fire alarms etc which would be automatically escalated to a control room or area supervisor.